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A Shopping Experience at Bintang Supermarket Hayam Wuruk: A Shopper’s Paradise in Denpasar

For you who are staying in Denpasar, especially the Renon and Kreneng areas, you must come shopping at this supermarket!

bintang supermarket

Bintang Supermarket Hayam Wuruk is one of the branches of the famous Bintang Supermarket chain in Bali, with other locations in Seminyak and Ubud. Located in an area outside the city that is relatively free of traffic jams, Bintang Supermarket Hayam Wuruk offers a comfortable and calm shopping experience for its customers. This supermarket provides a variety of daily necessities, ranging from fresh food ingredients and household products to imported goods that are difficult to find elsewhere. With a large parking area and easy access, Bintang Supermarket Hayam Wuruk is an ideal choice for local residents and tourists who want to shop without having to face the crowds and traffic jams of the city.

bintang supermarket denpasar

ready to eat food

Bintang Supermarket Hayam Wuruk offers various superior facilities that make the shopping experience more comfortable and enjoyable. This supermarket is equipped with a large parking area, ensuring customers can easily find a parking space without difficulty. Its strategic location near the Renon area makes it easily accessible to local residents and tourists. Inside, the shopping area is equipped with full air conditioning, creating a cool and comfortable atmosphere when shopping. Apart from that, Bintang Supermarket Hayam Wuruk provides a very complete range of goods, from daily necessities to high-quality imported products, meeting all customer needs efficiently and practically.

bintang supermarket fruit

bintang supermarket vegetables

bintang supermarket hayam wuruk

Bintang Supermarket Hayam Wuruk provides a variety of local and international products that meet the needs of various customer groups. Starting from ready-to-eat food, spices, quality fresh fruit and vegetables, and dairy products, everything is available here. Not to forget, this supermarket also offers authentic Balinese Basa Genep and Indonesian seasonings, helping you to make typical Indonesian food with an authentic taste. 

Bintang supermarket hayam wuruk

bintang supermarket sambals

The toiletries are complete, with a choice of products from Indonesian and international brands, ensuring you get the best quality. In addition, the range of snacks available is very diverse, ranging from local snacks start from 2000 rupiah (0.12 USD) to imported snacks from well-known brands, offering an endless variety of flavors for snack lovers.

Bintang supermarket pattiserie

bintang supermarket snack

For those of you who are looking for an alternative place to shop outside the congested heart of Denpasar, Bintang Supermarket Hayam Wuruk is the right choice. Located in a quieter area free from traffic jams, this supermarket offers convenient shopping at affordable prices. With a complete variety of local and imported products, from food ingredients to toiletries to various snacks, all your needs can be met in one place. Enjoy a more relaxed and efficient shopping experience without having to worry about city traffic jams. Visit Bintang Supermarket Hayam Wuruk now and experience the benefits for yourself!


  1. Supermarketnya lengkap banget yaa. Kelihatan nyaman juga belanja disana. Bagian sayurnya terlihat segar - segar semua

  2. Menggiurkan banget barang-barang yang dijual di Bintang Supermarket. Terutama sayurannya itu lho. Masih fresh. Kalau di sini belum ada sih kak. Masih adanya di Bali berarti ya Kak?

  3. Paling demen kalau ke Supermarket tuh di area sayuran dan buahnya. Terasa segernya. Apalagi kalau sayur dan buahnya tuh masih segar-segar kayak Bintang Supermarket.

    1. Milih - milihnya juga enak yaa mbak kalau sayur dan buahnya segar begitu dan belanja juga jadi senang

  4. Wow. This supermarket is so amazing because it sells not only milk, snacks, but also fresh meat and vegetables. What about the price?

  5. Supermarket lengkap. Dari sayuran sampai cokelat Bali juga ada. Terus bumbu masak lengkap juga. Habis belanja, langsung bisa masak... Masak...

    1. Seneng bgt sih emak2 kalo ada yg lengkap gini jd tinggal ke satu tempat aja udh komplit ya

  6. Wow, keren. Dagangannya lengkap. Buah, sayur, dan makanan siap santap ada. Pasti menyenangkan bisa berkunjung ke supermarket itu.

    1. Pastinya ya kak, karena gak bakal bingung lagi mau masak apa, karena udah sat set

  7. Sepertinya puas banget dengan pengalaman berbelanja di Bintang Supermarket Hayam Wuruk. Supermarket ini menawarkan berbagai macam produk berkualitas tinggi dengan harga yang kompetitif. Stafnya ramah dan membantu, dan suasana supermarketnya bersih dan nyaman. boleh lah direkomendasikan supermarket ini kepada semua orang yang sedang mencari tempat berbelanja yang lengkap dan nyaman di Denpasar.

  8. Sayuran dan buahnya fresh semua dan juga lengkap. Bumbu dapur siap sajinya juga beraneka ragam. Kalo ke Supermarket Bintang pasti bikin betah, karena pilihanya juga banyak.

  9. The supermarket is very comfortable, everything is there, and neatly arranged. I want to shop there

  10. pengelola supermarketnya lokal ya kak, bukan grup besar?
    beberapa di sini juga ada yang seperti iu, jadi senang belanja di sana karena lengkap banget tapi ya gitu kekepin dompet rapat-rapat, variasi jajanannya banyak banget yang menggoda, hehehe

  11. Wow... sayur, buah, daging, dan semua makanannya tampak segar-segar. Menyenangkan sekali pastinya kalau belanja di Bintang Supermarket ini.

  12. Bener kak kali tersedia barang kebutuhan yang dicari secara praktis, maka bikin nyaman deh buat berbelanja. Apalagi apik pula penataannya dan ber-AC

  13. Wah Supermarketnya lengkap banget. Buah, sayur, daging semua segar-segar. Lokasi supermarket juga tenang dan jauh dari kemacetan ya. Suka deh kalau ada supermarket yang lengkap dan murah gini 😍 btw aku dari dulu selalu penasaran sama coklat Bali, kalau selain di Bali ada nggak ya?


  14. Lengkap juga ya kak. Tempatnya juga nyaman dan bersih. Kalo ke Bali bisa jadi list tempat belanja nih

  15. wah salfok sama koleksi makanannya, keren banget, rapi gitu. bisa jadi godaan buat nyomot terus. mana itu rak sayurannya juga rapi banget, jadi enak banget buat pilih2

  16. Hayam Wuruk skrg berkembang pesat ya. Ini kyk bangunan baru ya mbok gek. Dulu pas di Bali, blm ada supermarket ini.

    Penasaran jajan spt apa yg dijual Rp 2.000an di Bintang Supermarket ini. Kukira mahal smua loh. Kn emg konsepnya modern market.

  17. kalau aja Bintang Supermarket Hayam Wuruk ini buka cabang di Bandung, saya pastinya bakalan jadi pelanggan tetap nih. lengkap banget dan sayur juga daging di display sangat rapih dan manis. yang paling penting, eeeh ada pastry-nya!!!

  18. Produk yang dijual di Bintang Supermarket lengkap juga, ya. Buah dan sayurannya keliatan segar-segar. Bisa jadi tempat favorit belanja wisatawan yang datang ke Bali, deh!

  19. I was here when I visited Bali, it's a cozy supermarket, and all fruits are fresh, besides we can buy many merchandise, a.k.a oleh-oleh khas from Bali.

  20. Love that it's located in the centre of Denpasar and comes with a large parking area. This makes mothers who bring their own vehicles can more freely park the car and shop for daily, weekly and even monthly needs with complete goods and materials at Bintang Supermarket Hayam Wuruk. What I admire next is the inclusion of local Balinese products. This introduces the culture as well as the treasures that Bali has as Indonesia's best tourist city.

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  21. Tempatnya keliatan rapi banget ya. Sayurannya juga seger-seger. Next kalo ada rejeki buat ke Bali lagi bisa dimasukkan ke list nih supermarket ini.

  22. Ini sih super komplet. Padahal deket rumah nih, etapi kok aku baru tau ya Bintang Supermarket ini, LOL!

    1. Lho iyaa deket rumahmu mba Ky? Wah mantep sih wkwkw enak yah kalo rumah deket supermarket gini tinggal weeeer

  23. Waahh ini asikk, kapan2 mau laaah bisa ke Bali dan shopping di sini hihi.. kayaknya seru juga bawa anak2 meskipun budget membengkak wkwkw

    1. Ayok, biar kutemani, Jingga, info yah kalo mau ke sini, kita mborong, wkwk..

  24. Even I am not staying in Denpasar, I am so happy to know this Bintang Supermarket Hayam Wuruk. Goods provide in this supermarket are in a good condition, all of them are in fresh condition

  25. Waktu stay 2 bulan di Bali, Bintang Supermarket ni jadi salah satu jujukan kami buat beli buah or makanan jadi yang siap santap. Super lengkap sih emang dan pelayanannya pun good lah

  26. Lengkap banget
    sampai ada sayur yang sudah di masak
    cocok sekali bagi yang sibuk dan tidak sempat masak tapi ingin makan di rumah

  27. Lengkap banget ya. Penataan barangnya juga rapi dan menarik. Beneran deh, kalau belanja di sini bisa kalap saya. Apalagi buah dan sayurnya pada seger-seger.

  28. Surga banget sih ini ka. Kita bisa memenuhi apapun kebutuhan kita. Kalau aku ke sini, yakin bakal betah banget. Apalagi ada banyak sekali produk lokal yang bisa dieksplor hihi.

  29. wah produk makanannya banyak banget, keliatan enak dan keliatan fresh semua juga ya kak.. mesti mampir nih kalo ke balii


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